Insights from educational psychology, learning and development.

Educating employees on their roles and responsilities when it comes to information security and data protection, is common sense, and, even if you don’t think that’s the case, it is, without a doubt, a regulatory obligation for many. So, what is “education” and what is going on in the world of learning and development which might help us to re-think the human factor?

In this episode our guest, Teisa Marshik, a respected educational psychologist and passionate educator, shares how her’s and her colleagues approach to educating learners is changing. We cover everything from how the effectiveness and success of education is measured, through to how advances in our understanding of human behaviour and culture, mean we now recognise that students are consuming and responding to education content based on their own life experiences and situations and what this means for traditional best practices in L&D.

Teisa Marshik Biography 

Teisa is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse, a well published author and contributor to research in the field of educational psychology and, through her TedTalks and speaking engagements, a bridge in between science and us every day folks.

Teisa’s work focuses on the development of students’ motivation, learning strategies, self-regulation, and teacher-student relationships (and, ultimately, how all of these factors interact to influence students’ development and academic adjustment).

Tesisa, has a keen interest in debunking pseudoscience, exploring the roles of cognitive biases and logical fallacies in perpetuating misconceptions, and finding effective methods for motivating learning, fostering conceptual change, and promoting scientific and information literacy.

She particularly enjoy’s making psychological science accessible and relevant to public audiences and regularly present for  professional organizations within and outside academia.

Key Topics

  • Education & learning strategies for all types of learners.
  • Psychological forces at play when developing educational programmes.
  • Cultural forces at play when educating across different audiences.
  • Debunking pseudoscience around learning best practices.

You Tube TedEx Talk

Dr Tesia Marshik – Unconscious bias and the mind:… – LT16 Conference – YouTube

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